Создатель: John Spottiswood

About to start E2L again

C 15 июля 2009

I did e2l last winter and was amazed how I felt and the resulting weightloss. But I find the food prep and cooking overwhelming. Am I alone in this? I am hoping this group will help me find a easier plan of attack.

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Susan Spires
Susan Spires 23 июля 2009, 17:57
Re: About to start E2L again

Glad you're going to get started again! It is a pain if you take it really literally. However, if you just try to keep the low-value foods to a minimum and maximize the high-nutrient foods, I think you'll find it easier to stick with. My suggestion is to find 3-4 easy ways to cook high nutrient foods that you love, and rotate them into at least one meal every day. Then keep pushing from there.

Good luck!
