Создатель: John Spottiswood

Tempeh with Rice and Spinach

Rich H
Rich H 06 февраля 2011

Like several other people, I am looking for the tempeh recipe but the page is not to be found. What's up?

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John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood 07 февраля 2011, 08:05
Re: Tempeh with Rice and Spinach

Hi Rich...looks like we may have an issue. I saved that recipe but never intended to publish it (because it wasn't very tasty). Can you let me know how you found out that I created this recipe? Did you get some sort of email notification? If you did, please let me know.

John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood 07 февраля 2011, 08:17
Re: Tempeh with Rice and Spinach

Mystery solved. When a recipe that is saved, but not published, is added to a group, a notification goes to the group about the recipe. However because the recipe hasn't been published, it can't be viewed by others. We'll get this bug fixed asap. Thanks for pointing it out!
