Создатель: John Spottiswood

joining the discussion

sharadee wright
sharadee wright 03 сентября 2013

After 5 years of plowing through book after book looking for insights on how to live medicine free and truly healthy, ETL explained everything so well that I feel that all the pieces to my personal journey are finally in place. My challenge now is feeding my family. We've managed to get rid of 95% of the junk food, I just don't buy it anymore, but I get discouraged when it's time to feed everyone and I find myself relying on meat, cheese and milk as the staples. I won't eat them, I know too much to go back, but that's all everyone else wants or it's not a "real meal". I need friends that feel the same way I do and can help me develop meal plans that are quick, good and that everyone will eat.

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