Создатель: The Enthusiastic Eater

Welcome to the Bloggers Who Cook group!

Hello and thank you for visiting this group!
My name is Bette and my blog is called www.365daysofdinner.com. As the name suggests, I am blogging about what I eat for dinner every night for a year. I'd say that I cook 1/2 to 2/3 of the dishes. When I've made the dinner, I always provide the recipe within the entry. If it was eaten out, I provide a review of the restaurant. I hope you'll check 365daysofdinner.com out and leave a comment if you feel moved to do so!
When you join this group, please post a message naming your blog and telling us a little about it.
Happy blogging and cooking!

I'm new to Cook Eat Share, and I'm still figuring out how it works for bloggers who don't include recipes in every post, but my blog is at snackreligious.blogspot.com and it's mostly about snacks and snacking. However, I do include recipes and sort-of restaurant reviews when it seems appropriate.

I actually have two blogs.
http://glutenfreewithauntjayne.wordpress.com which is chock full of gluten free recipes, gluten free product reviews and posts about gluten free companies. I also have http://allerjay.wordpress.com which has gluten free, allergen free and vegan recipes.
I love to cook and bake and I love converting old recipes into new GF, allergen free or vegan.

I'm a fairly new blogger and learning every day about how it all works so my site is still a work in progress. I feed a family of four picky eaters but try to focus on healthy meals and do a lot of experimenting with vegan/raw dishes for myself. So come and SeeMichelleCook.wordpress.com

Hello! I'm new to the blogger world, been up since the beginning of June. I cook 6 out of 7 nights a week and tend to post most of those recipes, along with some breakfast items and desserts. All of my recipes are vegetarian and nut-free. I can be found at http://dancingveggies.blogspot.com/
I am also in the process of creating a new blog dedicated to Vegan Desserts and will hopefully have that underway sometime late this summer!

What a relief....bloggers who aren't pros, and have doubts and questions! I started my foodblog late last year and write one a month, a story with a recipe that fits the theme. I'm overwhelmed with what can be included on a blog site and never realized how many food bloggers are out there...OMG. It's a world unto itself...a wonderful world I might add. Anyway, is this the place where I can ask questions like how do I create a badge for my blog and how do I get a print button attached to my blog? Is it okay to keep my blog the way it is and use sites like CookEatShare to share my other recipes? Also, I've been criticized for not including recipe photos on my blog. I just don't want this to become a "job" and lose the fun aspect for me...is this wrong? Thanks for hearing me out. N at http://cucinananette.blogspot.com

I have been blogging for about a year now. I have a cooking blog dedicated to Vegetarian cooking, http://www.myveggietable.com/. This blog is fillled with Lacto-Ovo vegetarian recipes from other source and some that are my own creation. I must admit that it is not a wordy blog, but more about the food.
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Bloggers Who Cook
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