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Создатель: The Enthusiastic Eater

New Blogger and New Member!

Kimberley Owen
Kimberley Owen 24 ноября 2010

Hi everyone,

I've just started blogging in the last couple of months about my own health journey and recipes that I come across or create. Really enjoying the process and all the new and wonderful things I'm coming across (like coming across this group!)

Would love to get some feedback from other bloggers?

Many thanks! :)

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Nanette 27 ноября 2010, 01:51
Re: New Blogger and New Member!

Hi Kim: Welcome to'll find lots of healthy recipes and many that are wonderful though less healthy..those you can adjust to your health-style. The members of CES are just great...friendly and helpful. You'll feel at home in no time. And what a diverse group..some of the blogs are awesome and one will lead to another then to another. What fun!! Blogging is the best...but you need to learn "balance". Enjoy every minute of blogging, cooking, eating and sharing, just have fun on this adventure. Adorable profile picture of you and your "cutie". Come visit me at cucinananette and say hi! Any questions, just ask. N
