Обо мне
Way back when (in 1985), husband Tom and I started up a little café (The New Deli), with a focus on vegetarian foods and recipes made from scratch. So many folks wanted those recipes...
So I started the daunting task of down-sizing all our recipes for the home chef. After years, I came up with 85 favorites, added pictures and commentary about my Christian walk, and finally published the work (From the Land of Milk and Honey) in December, 2006.
By that time, the internet was beginning to proliferate with endless recipes; an information overload of options! Would anyone really seek out a cookbook full of recipes written by an expert, with years and years of recipe development under her belt? Would people appreciate all the time-saving tips that make for quick and easy recipes, from a working mother and small business owner? From a woman who managed to juggle all that and still produce gourmet meals for family, patrons, and friends?
Time will tell! Meanwhile, I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, a happy wife, mother, and grandmother.
Кулинарное влияние
Martha Stewart, Betty Crocker, Mollie Katzen. Some have said I'm a North Bay version of Alice Waters, although I was too busy cooking to take much note of what she was cooking!
Награды, почести и соообщества
Award-Winning Finalist in the Cooking, Food & Wine: Natural Foods category of the National Best Books 2007 Awards