
Профиль шеф-повара Fabio Bongianni
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One man. A world of food.
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Fabio Bongianni
Fabio Bongianni was born in Rome in 1961. He attended school to become a lawyer but realized his true passion was cooking. Fabio then pursued his dream even further by taking a cooking course in Paris at Ritz Escoffier cooking school. After graduating he came back to Rome and he created and managed the most successful American steak houses in Rome, the T-Bone Station. In 2004 he opened That’s Amore restaurant in the center of Rome close to the historic Trevi fountain. He then decided to transform his property in the countryside of Mazzano Romano into a cooking school . His school has had great success for many reasons: the way he teaches Italian cuisine - not only recipes but the special culinary secrets and also the quality of the day spent with Fabio contributes to his success. You will feel like a friend, not just a tourist. Presently the cooking school is promoted by many tour operators in USA as well as in Europe.
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Fabiolous Cooking Day
Restaurant Network
- 23 мая 2011Hi, I am your new Indian follower from Hong Kong. Please follow me back and visit my Indian food blog on some unusual curries at http://cosmopolitancurrymania.blogspot.com. My latest post is on the famous Indian rice dessert, slow-cooked in milk and sweetened with jaggery...
- 15 марта 2011We are featured in a new App on iTunes: Rome Insider's Guide: http://www.facebook.com/RomeInsidersGuide
- 03 марта 2011Dear Fabio Bongianni
Thanks for following me.Give my kind regards to every one at home.
stella-srilanka - 30 января 2011Ciao, Chef Fabio! - I am very happy to have found you and look forward to trying your recipes. My wife is a Fabrizio / deNicola from Abruzzi and I have been a frequent traveler to Italy since 1965. I hope we will meet someday - perhaps at your cooking school! Best regards - Amos
- 03 декабря 2010Thanks for following me. I am new to this, I look forward to looking at some of your recipes as well! Interesting story!
- 26 ноября 2010Hi Fabio
I work in a travel agency in Canada and we are looking for culinary tours. I would be interested in learning more about your cooking school. - 20 ноября 2010Ciao Fabio....I very much enjoyed your lasagne with eggplant and appreciate the step by step instructions. It was a joy to put this dish together and then enjoy it with family. Thank you.
- 17 ноября 2010Ciao, Fabio! Thank you very much for following me ! :) .... It would be very interesting and big pleasure to look your great recipes and your professional recommendations.... My best regards!
- 29 октября 2010ciao fabio grazie tante a gentleman as yourself and the love for italian food is a pleasure to meet you (piacere), i travelled to Rome with my gorgeous italian man and we walked rome by foot in summer getting lost and enjoying the ambiance. Fontana di trevi is a busy spot i must say, but as majestic as they say.
- 22 октября 2010Hi Fabio,
I wanted to invite you to take this short poll about my new online cooking magazine that I am thinking of starting. I just want your opinion and was wondering if you could take a minute to take the short survey (only 7 questions).
Here’s the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGR2V0d2RElQMGFNbkx5cmVLT0hSZnc6MQ
I look forward to hearing from you!
www.marinasrecipebox.wordpress.com - 14 октября 2010Aloha Fabio, thanks for adding and following me. I am truly looking forward to some great Italian dishes...The extent of my Italian cooking is spaghetti with jar sauce. so i cant wait. I am like you in getting to know this site and hopefully one day posting my recipes as well...Again Mahalo nui loa
- 06 октября 2010Hi Fabio, thanks so much for following me. Can't wait to see what wonderful recipes you have in store for us!
- 01 октября 2010Thanks for adding me! Your blog looks great and I am looking to getting into teaching classes as well so will look to learn from you!
- 29 сентября 2010Thanks for the add & I'm also following u now! Do chk out my recipes :)
Looking fwd to sharing! -
- 01 сентября 2010Thank you for following me. Too fun. I was JUST thinking of taking a cooking class or two when I'm in Rome next May...hmmm...I'll keep you in mind!1 reply
- 24 августа 2010Haven't been on here much but plan to start in September after my new website is completed! Thanks friends!!
- 23 августа 2010Hello Chef Fabio,Iam looking forward to seeing more of your amazing recipes ,and I feel honored to have such a amazing Chef as yourself following me .THANK YOU ..CHARLENE
- 29 июля 2010Hi Fabio,thanks for the follow!
I really love italian recipes,can't wait to try them :)
Looking forward you.
Best regards - 28 июля 2010E un piacere conoscerti. Sai? Mio nipote si chiama Fabio, anche lui. Recentemente mio cognato e cognata sono stati in Italia, infatti ritornano domani, ma prima di partire mi hanno chiesto di raccommandare gli hotel e i ristoranti. Se ti avessi conosciuto un mese fa, li avrei mandati al tuo ristorante vicino la Fontana di Trevi . Va per la prossima volta. Comunque, in attesa di vedere le tue creazioni. Ti mettero nel mio blogroll, per il beneficio dei miei lettori. A presto1 reply
- 23 сентября 2010I just got this, my apologies! I'm still learning how to use this site...