I'm also allergic to fish, seafood and anything that is related to this group. I was always the cook in the family for everything. Now I had to back off and realize the high calories and high fat in the food I was cooking. I've learned that sweet potatoes is a good source of vitamins and protein but the fat is a good fat source like advocado. If you want adocado on a sandwich; make sure the advocado is ripe.
Use a small lime with a large adocado: a tomato, lots of fresh cilantro. a 1/2 of a teaspoon of real mayo and a dash of lime juice. mix and refrigerate for an hour. Instead of using Mayo, use the advocado as a spread for your hamburger or any other sandwich.
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low carbs recipes
Erlanger, KY (США)
Участник с 22 апреля 2012
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Chili's has the best chicken, steak or mix of both meats for fajita's. Ask for the corn mexican advocado.