Обо мне
Young girl who just loves to bake. I am a students whilst baking with every spare minute I get. I am a normal girl at heart with a passion for shopping, make up and spending a Saturday night enjoying a few drinks...only to find my hangover cure/perfect Sunday ends up me trying out new baking recipes. Oh almost forgot to mention that I am a Fashion Model in my spare time
Кулинарное влияние
Mary Berry, my Grandma and Grandad. Both my grandparents were the best cooks I will ever meet. My Grandad used to have his own cafe in North London and cook everything himself - he made the best sausage sandwiches (not a bad compliment from a veggie!) From a young age I have always read Mary Berry's cookbooks which were my Grandma's. I love the traditional style of baking and for me this is Mary's forte. To this day, I still have piles of recipes that were my Grandma's in her 'Good House Keeping' books. I still use her recipes that she wrote down my hand too, these to me, can never be repeated.