Рецепт Zuppa Toscana ala Sid for Soup Saturday Swappers
I joined a group called Soup Saturday Swappers a few months ago. And I've had this recipe on my back burner for awhile
Every time I planned on making it, plans fell through or I got busy
I tasted some Zuppa Toscana at a potluck a few months ago, and fell in LOVE!!! It was spicy and brothy and yet hearty as well. I love soup. I can eat it year round and I do. Even though it's not that cold
I do live in Florida after
This month's theme is Copy Cat Recipes and it is being hosted by Heather of All Roads Lead to the
And my Copy Cat recipe is Zuppa Toscana from Olive Garden, but I had to put my own twist on it. There was no kale or swiss chard to be found in my local store.
View Full Recipe at Sid's Sea Palm Cooking