Рецепт World's Best Cinnamon Rolls

- In a glass measuring cup (or possibly any glass cup with outwardly angling sides), put 1 tsp of the 1/2 cup sugar and yeast. Mix well. Add in 1/4 cup warm water. Mix well and allow to expand to top of measuring cup.While yeast is doing its thing, scald lowfat milk, then add in sugar, salt and butter. After butter has melted, add in whipped large eggs to the lowfat milk mix.
- Next you need to put the lowfat milk mix in a large bowl, get your strong mixing arm going and stir in 2 cups flour (one at a time, whipping mix after each to make a very smooth batter).
- Carefully blend in yeast (that should have risen to the top of the measuring cup by now). Finally, mix in the final cup of flour, mixing well but carefully, now which yeast has been added.
- Cover bowl with thin cloth or possibly paper towel and allow to rise to top of bowl (several hrs on top of refrigerator will do it or possibly any other slightly warm location).
- Put plenty of flour on hands, rolling pin and bread board. Remove half of dough and roll into a 6x12 inch area. Pat dough with melted butter. Sprinkle generously with white sugar, brown sugar, then cinnamon. Carefully roll dough lengthwise into a log shape.
- With a sharp knife, cut 1 1/2 inch sections from log shaped dough and place on a well greased cookie sheet so which the inside of the log section is face up. Repeat with other half of dough.
- Place close together but not touching, all rolls should fit on one normal sized cookie sheet. Pat with melted butter, allow to rise as before or possibly overnight so rolls can be freshly baked for breakfast. Bake rolls for 15 min at 350 degrees.