Рецепт Wordless Wednesday ~ Apple Pickin'
Last weekend, we took Grace and our nieces apple picking for the first time. It was a new experience for all of us and we had a really great time!
Solebury Orchards offers many varieties of pick-your-own apples but I wanted to be sure to visit the orchard for Honey Crisp season since they are my favorites!
Grace really loved that she could fit under the trees! It was difficult getting her to understand that we didn't want the apples that were on the ground! She saw one rotting apple covered in ants and was completely fascinated!
Look at that big, juicy apple! Mmmm!
Finally, we were able to get her to pick the apples from the trees! Once she figured it out, we couldn't get her to stop!
The orchard provides an area for the kids to play while waiting our turn for the apple wagon to take us out to pick. Grace loves to play in the hay and I really think she would have been fine with that being the only activity for the day!
In addition to a variety of pick-your-own fruit options throughout the seasons, Solebury Orchards also has a beautiful cutting garden where you can pick your own flowers! I would have loved picking the beautiful flowers (especially since Zinnias are one of my favorites) but I think Grace would have caused too much damage to the pretty blooms!
After we finished picking our apples, we rode the apple wagon back to the little shop to weigh and pay for our apples. We picked over 30 lbs. of apples! Since I'm not fond of baking, I sent 10 lbs. of the apples home with my nieces, and delivered another 10 lbs. to Grace's Aunt Barb, keeping just over 10 lbs. here for snacking!
Oh! I forgot the best part! Back at the little shop where we weighed our apples, they sell Apple Cider Donuts! Just as we were getting ready to pay, they brought out a huge batch of still-warm donuts! We were good and only bought a 1/2 dozen which was just enough for all of us! I wish I would have taken a picture of Grace enjoying her donut!
Since we're about half way through our 10 lbs. of apples, I think it's time we go back for more donuts....I mean apples! :)
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