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Рецепт Wholemeal cake
by Anncoo

For today's post I'm showing you how to use wholemeal flour and egg whites with less sugar to make a healthy yummy cake. It is also combined with ground hazelnut, dried apricots and dried cranberries to make the cake more flavourful. You can also use any other dried fruits or nuts but make sure you chop them into smaller pieces so that they will not sink to the bottom of the cake after it is baked. This cake is fragrant and quite soft even if it is stored in the fridge. I hope you enjoy this cake as much as I do.

Wholemeal Cake


In a large bowl, mix ground hazelnut, brown sugar, plain flour and wholemeal flour together and set aside.Whisk egg whites and sugar at medium high speed till firm and smooth.Use hand to fold one quarter of beaten egg whites to the flour mixture evenly and remaining egg white in two batches.Lastly add in melted butter in two batches and mix well with a rubber spatula follow by the dried apricots and dried cranberries. Pour mixture into a 7 inch (lined) round cake pan and sprinkle more dried apricots and dried cranberries over it.Bake at preheated oven 170C for about 30-35 minutes or until skewer inserted comes out clean. Leave cake to cool in pan for 15 minutes and remove to wire rack to cool down completely.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!