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Рецепт Vegetarian Green Eggs (with Spinach)
by Pavani

Blogging Marathon# 54: Week 3/ Day 1

Theme: Kid's Delight -- Cooking from Kid's Books/ TV shows

Dish: Green Eggs with Spinach

My theme for this week's Blogging Marathon is very interesting, it is 'Kid's Delight -- Cooking from Kid's Books/ TV shows'. PJ is hosting this month's Kid's Delight event with this very unique and interesting theme. My son loves to read books and like any kid watches TV too. So I thought it would be fun to make some dishes from books & TV shows he reads and watches.

For the first day, I made Vegetarian Green Eggs from Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham children's book. Like other Dr. Seuss books it is a very child friendly book with lots of rhyming words in simple vocabulary that even beginning readers will understand.

My son has been reading that book since he was may be 2 or 3. Couple of years ago, he was served green eggs (without ham for him) for Dr. Seuss day and he absolutely loved it. I asked his teacher for the recipe and they said, it was just regular scrambled eggs with green food color.

That didn't sound too healthy for me, so I looked around for some healthier options to make green eggs and found recipes using ground kale and spinach. So my version uses ground spinach to add the green color to eggs.

To make the dish a little more substantial, I added some toasted bread cubes and cheese right on the spinach omelet. It turned out to be very filling and delicious dish that my son absolutely loved.

If you don't eat eggs, then try this recipe with tofu (I'll post the recipe for tofu omelet soon) or with a chickpea flour omelet.


Toast the bread cubes in a pan (with or without oil) until lightly browned and toasted. Remove and set aside.

Heat 1tsp oil in a pan, add the spinach and cook till wilted, about 2~3 minutes. Cool and grind to a paste.

In a mixing bowl, whisk eggs with the spinach paste, salt and pepper. whisk well to combine.

Heat 2tsp butter or oil in a non-stick pan, pour in the egg mixture and cook till the bottom is almost set, about 2~3 minutes.

Sprinkle the cheese and toasted bread cubes on the egg mixture, cover and cook till the eggs are cooked through. Fold the omelette and serve right away!!