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Рецепт Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup
by Ellen Sheen

Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup

And a mushroom tartufo balsamic reduction grilled cheese. I'm not sure which was better, the soup or the sandwich. We'll call it a wash because really it's a win win.

This meal was so simple yet incredibly flavorful and texturally amusing. I suppose though, I should also clarify my obsession with mushrooms. I just love them. Mushrooms of all type and flavor.

This soup was a perfect ending to an insanely busy and stressful week. The soup and our trip down south for Noodle Nose's first hockey game. a hockey game and the Harry Potter exhibition. Yes. And after we spent a good couple hours getting our geek on with two of our favorite geeks people (and the hundreds of other HP geeks), home we went to this delicious soup.

So, without further ado... Make it. Eat it. Off you go...

Yield: about 6 servings



In a soup pot, saute the onion and garlic in the olive oil on med/high heat. When barely soft, about 3 minutes, add celery and continue to cook another 3-5 minutes.

Add shitakes and baby bellos to your pot, stir, then add the sage leaves, thyme and mushroom broth. Reduce heat to low/med and add sage leaves, thyme, pepper and salt. Stir then cover and let cook slowly for about 10-15 minutes.

To make your sandwiches: Cut sourdough rolls in half. Put mushrooms on bottom piece, top the mushrooms with daiya cheese. Finish by topping the cheese with a good healthy drizzle of the tartufo balsamic reduction. Put the other half of roll on top and grill in a panini pan or sandwich press. It's great to make these while your soup is cooking away.

After about 10 minutes, give it a stir and a taste. If it needs more salt/pepper at this point, add it then cover, reduce heat to low and let cook another 5 minutes.

Remove lid and slowly add soy cream, stirring as you go. Note: you want the heat to be on low so the cream doesn't separate as you add it.

Once your cream is added, you're ready to go!


Serve with the delicious mushroom tartufo balsamic reduction grilled cheese and/or a salad.

This combination makes a perfectly filling and nutritionally balanced meal.

