Рецепт Tropical Black Bean Soup...
Our dog/master, Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog (who has his own blog) is going to be ten years old soon...which is 70 in dog years...and we fear senility has begun to set in. Last night, while aboard the Dreamland Express, we were awakened by his crying. I pretended not to hear just until the mister got up and turned on the light...one of Caesar's 7 pink plush pigs was under the bed and he couldn't get it...he has to have all of his pigs on the bed at night or NONE of us can sleep...apparently this one escaped somehow. The mister retrieved his pig, Caesar jumped back on the bed and all was well...until an hour later when Caesar began crying again...the mister said, "What the #!$! is the problem now?!?" And there was Caesar, on the floor, peering under the bed, trying to get his pig...which he had OBVIOUSLY PUT THERE! The mister grabs it and Caesar and drops them both back on the bed...the light goes off and not 10 minutes later Caesar jumps off the bed with his pig...pushes it under the bed and then cries for his dad to help him. He was PLAYING with us...at THREE A.M.! Needless to say, we are bleary-eyed this morning...and Caesar is sleeping like a dog.
Caesar sucks on the pigs heads...every night...like a baby sucking on a pacifier...he is SO STRANGE...we'll continue to obey him and do what he demands because we love him and because we hate being bitten!
Now, about this soup...it's really, really wonderful - and different. I love black bean soup and have two other recipes for it on this blog, here and here. But this soup is nothing like either of those...it has a definite island flavor...coconut milk, bananas, orange juice and lime...I would have thrown in some palm trees swaying in the breeze if I'd had any! It's creamy, filling and healthy...especially now since "they've" said coconut milk is GOOD for us! Give this one a try, I know you'll love it!
- Tropical Black Bean Soup - Pots and Pins
- 1/2 stick butter
- 1 large shallot, chopped
- 1 large red pepper, seeded and chopped
- 4 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
- 2 teaspoons garlic, minced
- 1 can (14 oz.) coconut milk (do not use cream of coconut)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 large banana, peeled and sliced
- 3 cans (15 oz.) black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 cup orange juice
- juice of half a lime
In a large soup pot, melt butter and add shallots, red pepper and carrots. Cook for 7 to 8 minutes or until shallots are soft. Add garlic and cook for one minute more, stirring. Add coconut milk, salt, pepper, banana, black beans, and orange juice, stir to blend. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Using an immersion blender, blend soup in pot until smooth. Add lime juice, stir and serve. Serves 6 to 8. (If you don't have an immersion blender, you can use a counter top blender, just transfer the hot soup in small batches.)
"It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job: it's a depression when you lose yours." ~ Harry S. Truman
One year ago: Brownies With Cherries
Two years ago: Ugly Doll Update