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Рецепт Travel with this Sandwich - Egg Lettuce Tomato Sandwich
by Nandita Iyer | Saffron Trail

Travel with this Sandwich - Egg Lettuce Tomato Sandwich









Let me tell you the origin of this egg lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Airplane food, the less said the better right? While I am an (unabashed) fan of Indigo, their attempt to make airline food (and its packaging) interesting and fun, let us get this straight, it is indeed tough to get the logistics of serving delicious meals on airplanes right. Especially when mass produced. Unless of course, you travel first class, with a personal chef in attendance, dishing out freshly prepared meals at 35000 feet. A friend's graphic blogpost on the anatomy of airline food will make you laugh and cry at the same time.

Carry it yourself.

This is my recipe for one such airplane sandwich.

The criteria being, it travels well, it stays moist, it is full of flavour, AND it is reasonably balanced in terms of nutrition. Make sure you wrap this tightly in good quality cling film, which is key to the sandwich holding together and staying fresh for longer. The butter film on the slices keeps them from becoming soggy. The mayo keeps it moist, the lettuce and tomato add the veggie power and crunch, egg for protein, mustard for punch and flavour and the tiny bit of Tabasco in the mayo, keeps things interesting. So while you may think, bah, just another sandwich, all components of this egg lettuce tomato sandwich have been carefully thought out to make it a kickass travel sandwich!

Hello airlines, any takers for adding this ELT Sandwich to your menu?


Slice the tomato.

Wash and dry the lettuce leaves thoroughly.

Apply a thin layer of butter on both the bread slices.

Mix the tabasco sauce into the mayo, stir well and spread a thin layer of mayo on the butter layer.

Place the lettuce leaves, snugly tucked to fit the shape of the bread slice.

Place the sliced boiled egg or the omelette on top of this. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper if required.

Place the tomato slices on this. Spread some mustard sauce over this.

Cover with other slice of bread, mayo side down.

Tightly wrap in a cling wrap and carry in airtight container. This sandwich will keep good for 4-6 hours.

If you don't eat eggs, try slices of marinated and grilled paneer or tofu instead.

This sandwich is ideal for domestic flights, as it wont keep for more than 4 hours. For long haul international flights, you need to look at other options.