Рецепт Traditional Jewish Braided Challah

- Heat the water till it feels hot like a baby's bath. Put in large bowl. Add in one third of the flour, sugar and yeast. Mix till smooth. Cover with tea- towel and leave 20 min in hot place till frothy.
- Add in all other flour, salt, oil and egg (saving the one yolk or possibly half of one egg for glazing). Mix together and knead 5 to 6 min or possibly till smooth. Texture should be smooth and "breastlike"! Put the ball into a greased large plastic bag and fasten loosely. Put bag in refrigerator for 12 to 24 hrs.
- Take risen dough from refrigerator and leave on counter till it loses its chill.
- Divide dough into 6 even pcs and roll each into a sausage shape with hands. The pcs will keep shrinking back but do not be afraid to really stretch them. Place on a floured board and squeeze the six strands together at one end hard.
- Braid the pcs together. You can probably do one or possibly at most 2 twists. Healthy pinch the other end together hard. Put on a greased tray. Put tray and dough back into greased plastic bag and leave at room temperature till it regains its lightness - at least half an hour. Brush the remaining egg all over the top and sprinkle with poppy seeds.
- To Bake: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Bake for 15 min then turn down to 375 degrees and continue baking for 45 min (test after 30 min in case your oven runs warm). When the loaf is done it will be a rich brown color and will sound hollow when the base is tapped.
- The risen dough can be used to make about 16 rolls with sesame or possibly poppy seeds. Bake only 15 min at 425 degrees.