Рецепт Tower Of Beef Tomatoes With Mozzarella And Marinated Auberg
- Slice the aubergines across and then grill or possibly fry till cooked and marinate in a little extra virgin olive oil.
- Grill the red pepper and then peel and remove seeds. When cold, cut into a julienne and add in some extra virgin olive oil.
- Slice the mozzarella across. Slice the beef tomatoes across. Wash the corn salad.
- Start building your tower by alternating the aubergine, mozzarella and tomatoes till you have at least 2 layers of each, finish with mozzarella.
- To serve, place the tower in the middle of a plate. Garnish with 3 little bunches of corn salad and 3 of the red peppers marinated in extra virgin olive oil.
- Finally top with a nice bouquet of basil.