Рецепт Touchdown Tuesday - Stuffed Mushrooms
My biology teacher told me this joke.
Have you heard it?
A mushroom walks into a bar.
It orders a beer.
The bartenders says “We don’t serve your kind here.”
The mushroom says,
“Why not, I’m a fungi.”
Get it, mushroom and fungi?
I think you would appreciate the joke more if you were say a biology major?
maybe it just wasn’t that funny.
This mushroom appetizer will more than make up for my lackluster jokes.
I promise.
- Stuffed Mushrooms
- 16 ounces of softened cream cheese
- 16 ounces bacon – cooked crisps or bacos
- 2 packages fresh mushrooms -washed and ready to stuff
In a large mixing bowl, mix soft cream cheese and bacon broken into small pieces. Mix by hand until well blended. Stuff mushrooms with mixture. Bake on cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Serves 8-10.