Рецепт Tofu Meatloaf

- Saute/fry the minced onion, garlic and extra virgin olive oil in a saute/fry skillet (at least 8"), till glassy. Add in the Green pepper, mushroom and HALF the Newman's Dressing, reduce heat and continue to saute/fry till peppers are cooked (no longer crunchy). Add in seasoning to personal preference. Preheat oven to 425*. Meanwhile in a large bowl, combine the bread crumbs (I usually just take stale bread and tear it up into small pcs), one can of the tomato paste, cheeses and Tofu. Beat the egg separately, and add in to Tofu-Bread mix. Combine till bread is thoroughly saturated. Add in sauteed vegetables and remaining Newman's Dressing. The Meatloaf mix should be cohesive sufficient to create into a loaf, but not soggy. If the mix is too soggy, add in more bread. If the mix is too crumbly, add in more dressing, or possibly tomato paste. Tofu has a tendency to separate, so the more bread and cheeses, the better. Spray a loaf pan with a non-stick cooking spray, and spoon tofu mix into pan, spreading to an even level. Spoon remaining can of Tomato paste over tofu mix, and spread proportionately over the top. Bake in 425* oven 15-25 min, or possibly till juices bubble up around the edges.