Рецепт Three Salmons:Olive Oil Poached With Merlot And Tapenade, Lime Cured Ceviche With Cucumber Salad

- Trim fillet to approximately 8 cm x 8 cm (3" x 3"). Fillet should be equal thickness throughout.
- In a saucepan gently heat extra virgin olive oil with bay leaves and thyme sprigs. When oil reaches 170-180 F, it is ready to poach.
- Carefully lower fillet into the warm oil and poach for approximately 10 min. Insert a kitchen fork into fillet to check for doneness. It should penetrate easily when ready.
- The Black Olive Tapenade:Puree all of the ingredients in a food processor till smooth. Spoon mix into a bowl and set aside.
- The Merlot Sauce:In a medium saucepan simmer Merlot and cream. When the mix has reduced to a thick, syrup consistency, stir in butter. Season with salt and pepper and set aside in a hot place.
- The Extra virgin olive oil Poached Salmon Plate!:Place poached fish on a serving plate. Ladle warmed Merlot sauce over fish, then using two spoons, shape Tapenade and place above sauce. Top with a sprig of fresh mint.
- The Lime Cured Ceviche:Place cubed salmon, dill, avocado, red onion, extra virgin olive oil, lemon and lime juices and zest in a bowl and toss together. Refrigerateceviche up to 1 hour, to allow citrus acids to "cook" the salmon. If ceviche is left too long, too much moisture will be drawn from the salmon, and it will be tough.
- The Cucumber Salad:Cut cucumber in half, lengthwise. Set remaining half aside. If using a mandolin, use the julienne blade to cut the cucumber into matchstick pcs. Alternatively, slice the cucumber horizontally into 1 / 2 cm (1 / 8") width circles. Slice each circle into narrow strips, leaving green tips at each end.
- In a small bowl combine sliced cucumber, yogurt, and lime juice and zest. Chill.
- The Lime Cured Ceviche Plate:Slice the remaining half cucumber horizontally into 1 / 2 cm (1 / 8") width circles. Line a ring mold with the cucumber slices, then spoon ceviche inside the mold. Carefully remove mold, and top with a spoonful of cucumber salad, and a sprig of fresh dill.
- The Crisp Skin Fillet:Using an 8 cm (3") ring mold, cut fillet into a circular shape.
- Heat extra virgin olive oil in a fry pan till warm. Place fillet, skin side down, in pan and fry till skin is crisp on the bottom and still raw, but hot, on top.
- The Fiddlehead Sauce:Set a handful of fiddleheads aside for garnish. Place remaining fiddleheads in a juicer and process.
- In a small saucepan heat fiddlehead juice till it has reduced by half. Stir in butter till sauce is smooth.
- The Poached Rhubarb:Chop rhubarb vertically into two long strips. Cut strips horizontally into 5 cm (2") pcs. Set aside.
- In a saucepan over medium heat, combine vinegar, sugar and star anise. When gastrique (today's culinary term for a vinegar and sugar mix) is simmering, add in rhubarb and poach till tender.
- The Crisp Skin Fillet Plate:Ladle 1 / 4 c. of fiddlehead sauce onto a serving plate. Place salmon filet, skin-side down, in the middle of the sauce. Top with reserved whole, lightly steamed fiddleheads and poached rhubarb.