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Рецепт The Whole30, Week 3: Now With Dr-Recommended Cheating!
by Confections of a Foodie Bride

Unless you’ve showed up at my house at 9pm with a cheer-you-up cupcake or are super close family, you probably don’t know that I have this minor heart thing. But I do.

And now everyone knows.

And in the spirit of the Whole30 – and what I’ve learned because of it – I’m going to share a little more than I normally would on the internet. But I promise you two things:

1) There will be no discussion of digestive functions.

2) There will be no discussion of lady parts.

I cross my not-always-efficient heart.

So that heart thing. I occasionally suffer from PVCs (premature ventricle contractions). Flare-ups have pretty much been traceable to my three favorite self-inflicted, jerk-face dwarfs: Over-Caffeinated, Over-Stressed, and Over-Anxious. (Sometimes Over-Beered is there, too… but she actually helps keep those last two under control )

I say “suffer” but it’s mostly a mental thing – it’s completely unnerving and rattling to suddenly feel your chest rattle with a THUNK (pause) flip FLOP (pause) KERPLUNK. For 2 &^%$@!# hours straight.

And sometimes, those pauses seem to feel like you have enough time to think, “Um, did my heart just STOP?! And is it going to start again on its own?!”

Oh, look. And there’s Over-anxious, right on cue.


According to some doctors and their tests, it’s also completely benign and mostly traceable to external factors. With some adjustments, those THUNK (pause) flip FLOP (pause) KERPLUNKs fade to less-distracting palpitations, and then barely noticeable flutters… and then away completely, of course, no where near as quickly as they show up (they do like to take their sweet time).

But on an occasion when I’m 16 days into The Whole30, doing just about everything by-the-book, and am neither over-caffeinated, over-stressed, or over-anxious (much less over-beered), a new round of THUNK (pause) flip FLOP (pause) KERPLUNKs was completely unexpected. And left me wondering:

What the heck did I eliminate from my diet that has disrupted the clearly delicate balance that keeps my heart beating on-rhythm.

I immediately re-added foods that had been in decently heavy rotation prior to starting the Whole30 (due to being relatively good sources of heart-healthy magnesium and potassium) – bananas, beans, and quinoa – and remembered to take my daily vitamin.

And after a few days, those THUNK (pause) flip FLOP (pause) KERPLUNKs have settled into the less-distracting/almost unnoticeable phases of being on their way out.

Moral of the story? Nothing is ever one-size-fits-all.

And my body will clearly do anything in its power to get a bowl of charro beans for lunch

The scale says I haven’t lost any weight this week, so after 3 weeks, I’m still down a total of 7.5lbs. I can’t wait to take measurements again at the end of next week. Things fit so differently now – far more than I’d ever expect out of “just” 7.5lbs. Like my bike helmet! And speaking of…

You know what we did on a beautiful Spring-in-Texas Sunday? Busted the bikes out and rode 10 miles on the new bike trails by our house. After not riding in ages. And it was not hard. At all.

Except for that one Tourmalet-esque climb after I dodged an 8-yr old and lost all my momentum. So then we had to take a short break to look at the resident alligator.

Here’s a quick & dirty look last week’s menu. (I’ve linked recipes and then just tweaked as necessary for Whole30 compliance. Except the beans, of course.)


Still loving those leftover green vegetables topped with the runny yolks of couple of eggs.

Also, a poached egg on top of a bowl of drained pinto beans is kind of magical.


Beans & quinoa or dinner leftovers + some of those 1/2-lb of strawberries we’re getting from the garden every day.


^ Twice!

Lettuce-wrap chicken fajitas + black beans + guacamole