Рецепт The BEST Bagel Recipe Ever!
The BEST Bagel Recipe Ever!
August 3, 2015 By Jelli 38 Comments
It’s 5:30 a.m. He’s getting dressed. All 3 feet of him.
“Mommy, beg-ows!” he chants, in his high-pitched sing song two year-old voice. I can’t resist him. His blonde curly locks cascading behind his baby-soft little neck, perfect for tickling, kissing, and pulling a bib around at mealtime.This boy is a bagel eating machine. Doesn’t surprise me. One of his first words (and coincidentally my daughter’s first words too) was “pan,” Spanish for “bread.” Bagels equal bread equal happy children ’round the breakfast table. Happy children? HAPPY mom!
Let’s just say we’ve made these bagels more than 3 times in 3 weeks and there’s no sign it’s stopping…