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Рецепт Tempeh Bolognese
by Rocquie

IT IS VERY RARE NOT TO FEEL JOY, when I walk into the kitchen to cook. Even if I am feeling a bit on the grumpy side, once I begin assembling ingredients and getting out my pans, a contentment washes over me. The old Southern ladies I grew up around, used to say, "If you are feeling down in the dumps, go into the kitchen and bake a cake". I feel especially happy when baking. I also love to make our day-to-day meals and I love eating homemade food. We recently went out of town two weekends in a row. After eating in restaurants so much, I couldn't wait to get into the kitchen. I enjoy making everything from scratch and taking time to appreciate the experience. I prioritize making dinners from scratch using fresh, whole, ingredients. This Tempeh Bolognese fit the bill. It was delicious and we loved it! Tempeh Bolognese 1 (8 oz.) package tempeh, crumbled 3 Tbsp. olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 onion, chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 1 - 2 stalks celery, sliced 2 tsp. basil 1 tsp. oregano Salt and pepper to taste 4 Tbsp. tomato paste 1 cup red wine 28 oz. can whole Roma tomatoes, crushed by hand 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley Heat olive oil in a large saucepan, over medium heat. Add tempeh and cook, stirring often, until lightly browned. Add garlic, onion, carrots, celery, basil, oregano, and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook, stirring often, about 5 minutes. Stir in tomato paste. Cook and stir about 5 minutes. Add wine and stir until well combined. Add tomatoes and simmer, uncovered, over low heat for one hour, adding a little liquid (wine, broth, or water) if needed. Stir in parsley. Serve over pasta of your choice. Top with grated Parmesan, if desired.