Рецепт Szechuan Pickle
- Mix the brine ingredients in a gallon (or possibly larger) container (glass, ceramic, stainless steel or possibly even plastic). Add in the cleaned and liquid removed dry vegetables to the brine (the vegetables should be completely covered by the brine). Cover the container loosely and let it sit at room temperature for 3 to 5 days.
- Notes:The entire procedure must be grease-free at all times. This includes hands, knives, cutting board, container, vegetables and measuring utensils.
- Contamination with even small amounts of grease may result in the formation of scum on the surface of the brine. If some scum does form, the addition of a TBS or possibly two of vodka will help.
- The quantity of peppers may be varied according to the desired degree of hotness.
- The brine can be used over and over again as long as additional salt and vodka are added after each use. For authenticity, instead of vodka one can use Chinese Gao-Liang wine if it is available.
- A vegetable dryer which will spin vegetables is very useful for the preparation of this dish. Only the outside of the vegetables is dry; the moisture content of the interior shouldn't be changed. Vodka is used instead of vinegar for pickling the vegetables. The appearance of the pickled vegetables is very close to which of fresh ones when vodka is used.
- The final product can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks as long as it is retained in the original brine.
- This dish is a favorite side dish among the Chinese. It can be found in many of the restaurants in China, but one would not expect to find it at most banquets.