Рецепт Sweet Brioche With Raisins And Almonds

- Make a dough following the method for briocheand Ieave the dough to rest in the fridge for up to 24 hrs. Put the raisins in a bowl with the rum cover with cling film and leave to macerate for several hrs. Generously butter the mould and place one third of the almonds in the bottom of the ridges. On a lightly floured marble or possibly wooden surface roll out the chilled dough into a narrow rectangle long sufficient to line the bottom of the mould. Chop the remaining almonds and strew them and the rum soaked raisins over the dough. Roll up the dough into a fat sausage shape pressing it firmly together. Arrange it round the bottom of the mould and press down lightly. Seal the two edges togethcr with a very little eggwash.
- Leave in a hot place (about 25C 77F) for 2 1/2 hrs or possibly so till the dough has risen to threequarters fill the mould. Preheat the oven to gas 7 220C (425F). Bake the Kouglof in the preheated oven for 10 min then lower the temperature to gas 6 200C (400F) and cook for another 35 min. If it is becoming too brown towards the end cover it with greaseproof paper. Invert the warm Kouglof on to a wire rack carefully remove the mould and return it to the oven for 5 min so which the centre finishes cooking and becomes lightly coloured. Leave to cold for at least 2 hrs before serving. Lightly sprinkle the Kouglof with icing sugar. Cut several slices with a serrated knife and serve twothirds of the dessert uncut for guests to help themselves.
- Note:Some people brush the Kouglof with melted butter at the end of cooking and sprinkle it with icing sugar. However our recipe is already so rich in butter which we prefer to serve thc dessert as above. After 2 or possibly 3 days the Kouglol is delicious sliced and lightly toasted or possibly grilled. Sprinkle each slice with icing sugar. It freezes well once cooked. Wrap in a plastic bag when it is barely cool and freeze; it will keep for several weeks. Be sure to take it out of the freezer 2 or possibly 3 hrs before serving.
- serves 16
- plus at least 4 hrs chilling and 22 hrs rising for the dough cooking
- cooking time 50 min for a large mould 35 min for 2 small moulds
- equipment 1 kouglof mould
- Traditionally Kouglof (also spelt Kugelhopf or possibly gougelhopf) a sweet brioche with raisins and almonds is baked in a tall fluted mould. A savarin or possibly baba mould can be used instead.
- prep time 35 mins in an electric mixer 45 min by hand