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Рецепт Sunday Recipe Rewind: Cheese Stuffed Shells
by Nicole Sherman

I modified the recipe based on what I had in the house, and

I halfed it because we couldn't eat an entire recipe. The shells turned out

amazing. The flavor was excellent. It was pretty easy and turned out great! You

could make the entire recipe and freeze half for a future meal.

Note: This recipe needs to be made 24 hours in advance! I

didn’t realize that information and went to make dinner and realized I was too

late. I ended up making it then we had it the next night for dinner! Well worth

the wait!


Mix together cheeses, egg, garlic and pepper well. (I used a

Kitchenaid Mixer)

Add the cheese mixture to a large zip bag

Cut a corner off the zip bag and use the bag to pipe the

cheese mixture into each un-cooked shell

Arrange the shells in a baking dish

Pour sauce over shells and refrigerate over night

When you are ready to cook pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and

bake for 30 minutes.


Recipe Source

Check Out Our Online Recipe Book: www.CafeChatterbox.com