I adopted this recipe from a magazine which is my favorite, "madame FIGARO japon" at a page 83, 2009/9/20, No.395 issue. The name of original is, "Penne Agli Scampi e Muscoli" and this is a tradditional of Liguria, Italy. But I have arranged it a little bit because I couldn't get scampi so I subustituted shrimp. Also, I used Sicilian tomato instead of cherry tomato. Our family planted Sicilian tomato in our garden this summer so I wanted to make this penne pasta using by this tomato. Sicilian tomato is suitable for bake. Then, I added white wine because I like to taste with wine. I've already made this recipe about 3 times in this month. Just few weeks ago, I ate this pasta w/my grandma and she also enjoyed it. I hope you'll like it, too!