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Рецепт Strawberry Tart Cake
by On Sugar Mountain

Hello friends!

So I have a lovely Strawberry Tart Cake to share with you today; but first I just need a moment to tell you all something that happened yesterday that literally made my year.

The Pina Colada Muffins got onto FoodGawker!!!!

What a relief that I was the only person in the apartment. No one needs to see that heehee.

But now I have my new motto for 2013: Strive for Progress, not Perfection, and friends….it works.

I am seeing progress on this little blog of mine, and though it may not happen as quickly as Type-A yours truly would like, it is still happening.

If I can get two photos onto FoodGawker I’ll send baked goods to all of youuuu.

Just kidding. I wish I could but I’d go broke making sweet treats. But when I win the lottery – you guys are the first ones to get marvelous muffins or delicious donuts.

But enough of my life story – we all know why you’re here…

I’m surprised if you aren’t already shouting “GET TO THE CAKE WOMAN” at your computer screens.

I don’t blame you – it is a fantabulous cake.

Last Sunday I celebrated Easter with my boyfriend’s family, and I’m always up for a chance to make a slightly fancier dessert for these occasions. The best part about this cake though? Looks fancy – takes literally minutes to whip up.

Seriously – if you don’t lollygag about like I do, you could probably have it in the oven in 15 minutes.

But I like lollygagging and gallivanting and all that jazz so it took me closer to 30 minutes.

A great deal of the ingredients needed are most likely living in your cupboard, and if you can snag a carton of strawberries on sale you’re set for a simple yet elegant dessert. I served each slice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (to-die-for) and it was a huge hit last Sunday.

The berries poke up out of the top of the cake for a stunning presentation, and on the inside they soften into an almost jam-like consistency. If you’re really craving fruit in your desserts, this cake is for you.

Oh and I’m absolutely positive it would be just as good (if not better) with other berries, like blueberries, raspberries, or even blackberries. It’s not only a simple cake, but a versatile one.

I’ll be back Friday with a new and improved Fudge Recipe!

Happy Baking!

Strawberry Tart Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9 or 10 inch tart pan with cooking spray. In a medium bowl combine flour and baking powder and set aside.

In a large bowl whisk together sugar and oil until well combined. Whisk in egg, milk, vanilla and vinegar until everything is well mixed.

Slowly whisk flour mixture into wet ingredient mixture until batter forms. Pour into prepared pan.

In a small bowl, combine strawberries with one tablespoon of sugar, making sure strawberries are evenly coated. Then cover top of batter with the strawberries, pressing each piece gently into the batter slightly.

Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Let cool completely then serve with vanilla ice cream (if desired).

All Photos And Writing Copyright © 2013 Jessica Gonzalez | On Sugar Mountain