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Рецепт Strawberry Rhubarb Margarita
by Chez US

I am hoping that you are not completely tired of seeing the strawberry rhubarb combination as this drink is sultry. This recipe for a strawberry rhubarb margarita is the perfect companion for a hot summer night. No need to worry about using the last of the Spring time rhubarb as it is made with rhubarb bitters!

We are gearing up to take a mini-vacation. A much overdue mini-vacation. Our last real one, was when we decided to head to France for part of the summer. Much like that one, this was pretty much a last minute decision as well, if you call a couple weeks back last minute. We had some airline tickets that were due to expire, and a light work load for a couple weeks. As well we never had a chance to celebrate our 10 year anniversary last year, and wanted to do something special before the 11th sneaks up. Why not get the hell out of town!!

I can not expire in words how excited we are to be heading out to Todos Santos Mexico. To be honest, we know nothing about it, just that we will land in Cabo and head north. We know it will be hot, and that we are staying at a killer hotel. As well there will be beach time to be enjoyed, as well as great food and drinks. I can speak for the both of us, that we cannot wait to have real Mexican tacos!!!

Back to this cocktail recipe that will quench your thirst. To get our palates ready for Mexico, we decided to take some ratty looking strawberries and turn them into margaritas. Normally we are not into fruity or frozen drinks, so I made a simple syrup out of the strawberries. I took 8 fairly large berries, cut them in half, then mixed with equal parts sugar and water, and let simmer over very low heat for 30 minutes, mashing them up every so often. Remember it has to be very low heat on the stove, do not let it burn, boil or thicken to much. Once cooled, I strained the mixture in a fine sieve. Thats it. Just add lime juice, tequila and a splash or two of rhubarb bitters. Perfection for a hot night.

If you want to come along virtually with us on vacation, we will be posting tidbits on our Instagram Feeds – check them out here (Denise & Lenny).

** don’t drink alcohol, just leave out the tequila for a refreshing beverage.

More margaritas to quench your thirst:

Recipe: Strawberry Rhubarb Margarita

*makes one drink



How To:

Run a cut lime piece around the rim of your glass, then dip the glass in salt.

Fill the glass with some ice cubes.

Add ice to a cocktail shaker.

Pour in the tequila, lime juice, strawberry simple syrup, and shake like crazy.

Strain into the cocktail glass.

Splash with some rhubarb bitters.

Garnish with a lime slice.

