Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Sticky Buns".

Рецепт Sticky Buns
by Veronica Gantley

I loaned out my Julia Child cookbook and just recently got it back. I had forgotten all of the wonderful recipes she has in that cookbook. It is one of my first cookbooks and it is a monster. There are six pages on how to make sticky buns. I made her sticky buns and let me tell you they were delicious. They did not disappoint. There are many steps to this, none really hard just time consuming. If you are pressed for time you can make the dough a day or two ahead and store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to make it.

The dough was always hard for me.

My advice to you, I always prove my yeast, then I know it will rise.

Yup, its alive. This is what it looks like when it is proved.

In a mixing bowl combine flour, salt, sugar and cinnamon.

Add the diced butter.

Whisk the eggs and the milk into the yeast mixture and combine with the flour.

Mix the dough with the hook for 2- 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and allow to rise about 40 minutes

Mix the dough again to deflate. Put dough in a bowl and allow to rise until double in size.

Roll the dough into an even rectangle. Transfer the rectangle to a sheet of lightly floured foil. Lightly press the filling into the dough. Roll the dough up lengthwise to make a log shape, using the foil to help you. Cut the log of dough crosswise into 8-10 portions.

For the sticky syrup, combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan. Swirl the pan for a minute or tow until the sugar is dissolved and the liquid is clear. Cut the butter into pieced and add to the syrup boil until the syrup is thick and sticky. drop a tablespoon or two in the bottom of a buttered muffin cup and plop in a slice of the dough. allow to rise for 1 hour. Bake for 45 minutes until nicely browned. The muffin tin buns have their sticky glaze baked on, but may need a few droplets more.

Peace be with you,
