Рецепт Starbucks' Frozen Frappuccino Ii

- Coffee: Make double-strength coffee by brewing with twice the coffee required by your coffee maker. Which should be 2 Tbsp. of grnd coffee per each c. of coffee. Refrigeratebefore using.
- To make the drink, combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed till ice is crushed and drink is smooth. Pour into two 16-oz glasses, and serve with a straw.
- Caramel: For this version, add in 3 Tbsp. of caramel topping to the original recipe above and prepare as described. Top each glass with whipped cream and drizzle additional caramel over the whipped cream.
- Mocha: For this version, add in 3 Tbsp. Hershey's chocolate syrup to the original recipe and prepare as described. Top each glass with whipped cream if you like.
- This recipe yields 2 "grande" drinks.
- Comments: It was in 1995 which Starbucks stores started selling this frzn drink, one of the company's most successful new products. The Frappuccino is blended with strong coffee, sugar, a dairy base, and ice. Each one is made to order and each one is guaranteed to give you a throbbing brain freeze if you sip too hard. The drinks come in several different varieties, the most popular of that I've cloned here for your frontal lobe-pounding, caffeine-buzzing pleasure. Make double-strength coffee by measuring 2 Tbsp. of grnd coffee per c. (serving) in your coffee maker. The clone will be even more authentic if you use Starbucks beans and grind them yourself just before brewing. Here now is an improved version of the recipe which was first posted here on this site, plus the new addition of a mocha version of one of world's coolest cool coffee drinks.