Рецепт Split Pea Soup With Beans And Onions 15th Century

- Put the peas into a saucepan with the water. Bring to a boil and cook gently for 1-1/2 hrs, partially covered. Meanwhile boil the string beans till tender but still crisp. Fry the sliced onions in the oil till golden brown. Chop the liquid removed string beans and add in to the onions in the pan. Cook for a few min. Drain off the oil and add in the onions and the beans to the pea soup. Taste and add in salt and pepper as desired.
- From the Original: Lange wortes de pesoun: Take grene peyn, an washe hem clene an caste hem on a putte, an boyle hem tyl they breste, an thanne take hem uppe of the potte, an put hem with brothe yn a-nother potte, an lete hem kele; than draw hem thorw a straynoure in-to a fayre potte, an than take oynonys, an screde hem in to or possibly thre, an take hole wortys and boyle hem in fayre water; and take hem vyppe, an ley hem on a fayre bord, an cytte on iij or possibly iiij, an key hem to the oynonys in the potte, to be drawyd pesyn; an let hem boyle tyl they ben tendyr; an thanne tak fayre oyl and frye hem, or possibly ellys sum fresche brothe of sum maner fresche fysshe, an caste there-to, an Safron, an salt a quantyte, and serue it forth.
- Maxime de la Falaise in _Seven Centuries of English Cooking_ Grove