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Рецепт Spiked Bulletproof Coffee
by Barbara Kiebel

Spiked Bulletproof Coffee

Have you heard about the craze over coffee with butter in it? It’s a new fad and you know I’m not all that keen on fads. But I was curious so did a bit of research and this is part of a diet? Really? Well son of a gun this warm cocktail kicks that fad to the curb; it also has sugar and booze in it. So while it might have some components of that nuttiness in the mix, put all together this is no diet drink! Truth is I would have liked some whipping cream but I didn’t have any and another truth is that whipping cream that has been over-whipped becomes what? Butter! So I decided to punt and booze up the bulletproof!

The nutmeg might seem unnecessary but think again; it’s a nice subtle touch that elevates the experience and it’s great with coffee. If you’ve never tried fresh nutmeg that you grate yourself, you’re missing something special. An aroma I love sure, but once you get inside, it is an unusual and beautiful seed. I also discovered that while people with tree nut allergies must avoid the fruits of a nut tree, they can often still enjoy the seeds; so someone allergic to almonds, pecans and walnuts might still be able to enjoy the aromatic qualities of the nutmeg seed. Ah the things I learn while I’m making cocktails!

Another truth? I’m not typically big on flavored vodkas. I prefer using 100 proof vodka to make my own infused concoctions. Still, I’ve been asked a couple of times by the folks at Van Gogh Vodka to sample some of their products and I’ve never been disappointed; they are the only flavored vodkas I’ve got in my bar. Van Gogh Vodka is produced by the Royal Dirkzwager Distilleries (which received a Royal Appointment from Queen Beatrix in 2005) at the Cooymans Distillery in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Second-generation Master Distiller Tim Vos handcrafts the vodka through a proprietary double-infusion method, using the finest ingredients combined with premium grain alcohol to create Van Gogh’s bold flavors and smooth taste.

I have yet to see them come up with variations like marshmallow or cake either; flavors that seemed marketed to kids. Their natural flavors shine and this Double Espresso Vodka has a great roasted aroma with a touch of sweetness that is nicely balanced by a hint of bitterness that rivals a cup of espresso and helps to keep the spirit balanced. I love it for both cocktails and as an addition to one of my favorite chocolate sauces.

While many might see this as a late night after dinner drink, I enjoyed it earlier in the evening. The butter brings a richness but much less so than big dollops of whipped cream and the espresso was a nice pick me up without keeping me awake later that night. Warm, a little sweet and just that touch of richness? Crazy good.

Spiked Bulletproof Coffee

I was provided with a sample bottle of Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka however all commentary is my own.