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Рецепт Spicy Sea Scallop Skewers with Mint Yoghurt Sauce #SundaySupper
by Soni's Food for Thought

Its the Labor Day Weekend and also the last weekend before school starts!September is here and very soon we’ll see the cooler crisp air in the mornings and evenings.Summer gradually making way for Fall.So while we still have some heat, lets just enjoy these last few days by having some barbecue fun with our favorite veggies,meats or seafood.For me it has to be Sea Scallops since I love them!Sea Scallops are one of the most nutritious seafoods out there and are packed with Vitamin B12,a necessary nutrient for cardiovascular health and Omega 3 Fatty acids.They are available fresh or frozen.You could either for this recipe.Trader Joe’s sells these Jumbo Sea Scallops that I’ve used here and they taste great.I just let them defrost before they’re ready to be used.

I like to have some spice, some heat on my seafood and that brings me to our recipe today.My Spicy Sea Scallops are of course spicy,but also fun to eat since I’ve got them on skewers.I’ve used the flat side of my griddle pan to get a nice sear on both sides, but you could also grill them directly on the grill for those lovely marks!

The spice mix I’ve used here consists of Garam Masala,Cumin and Red Chili powder.The Sea Scallops are coated with the spice on one side before going into the skewers so as to not overpower the sweet delicate flavors and they taste absolutely delicious!I serve this with a cooling Mint Yoghurt Sauce that just balances the heat and also pairs nicely with all the flavors going on.

The hubby is trying to cut down on his carbs and found this dish perfect with some fresh salad for his meal.You could also serve this as an appetizer for your next party!

Spicy Sea Scallop Skewers with Mint Yoghurt Sauce



In a bowl mix the spices.

Coat the scallops on one side with the spices and arrange on skewers.

Heat the flat side of your oiled griddle pan.

Place the skewers and let them cook on medium high for about 2 minutes per side.Look for a lovely sear.

Mix all the ingredients for the mint yoghurt sauce.

Arrange the skewers on top of some fresh salad and serve with the sauce.

Squeeze some lemon juice all over.



This exciting event is hosted by Foodie Stuntman of Crazy Foodie Stunts and we’ve got some amazing Labor Day recipe ideas for you all!!

Refreshing Drinks

Amazing Appetizers and Sides

Enviously Good Entreés

Delicious Desserts

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