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Рецепт Spanish Style Tuyo Sardines
by Ang Sarap

This Spanish Style Tuyo Sardines is the simplest way to make your Spanish sardines at home, you don’t even need a pressure cooker to make them. I heard this method of preparing this from my friend here in New Zealand, apparently she knows someone who do this for a living in the Philippines where they bottle sardines made out of tuyo (dried herring), I was intrigued by the method so I attempted to make some at home.

It was so simple the only tricky part is when you fry the tuyo in oil as it needs to be gently done otherwise it will disintegrate when you scale them but other than that it all easy. If you love tuyo this is definitely a must as you can store them for a long time and you don’t need to cook it again so if you’re in a hurry all you need it a bowl of rice and your own preserved tuyo sardines.

Spanish Style Tuyo Sardines

12-15 pcs tuyo (dried herring) 1¼ cup olive oil ⅓ cup white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar 2 cloves garlic, sliced ½ small carrot, sliced 2 pcs bay leaf 1 tsp black peppercorns salt red chillies oil for frying

In a pan add oil and gently fry tuyo just until the scales are easy to come off. Remove from heat then set aside to cool and drain. In a saucepan combine together olive oil, white wine vinegar, garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns and salt. Cook by gently simmering for 15 minutes then add the carrots and chillies. Set aside then let it cool. Gently remove the scales and head then place it in dried empty bottle similar to the photo above. Pour the olive oil mixture up until the brim then cover. 3.2.2708