There we were, my Babe and me, Friday night, eatin’ dinner and planning meals for the next week. I was in a meal planning rut and asked her to take the lead. Right off the bat, spaghetti squash. I couldn't remember the last time I made that dish. We were on our way.
The dish is easy to prepare and you can be creative with the pesto sauce. The last couple of times I made the dish I roasted cherry tomatoes and mixed with sardines to make the sauce. So, I was excited she suggested pesto sauce. I searched several sites dedicated to vegan meals and combined the best of the pesto ingredients for our meal. Heads up, those sites show vegan cheese but I switched out for Parmesan. Next time, I'll make the dish with Jalapeño, roasted Hatch Green Chili, Pinto Beans and Picante Sauce (Pace’s) to give the dish a southwestern taste and title it differently.