Рецепт Spaghetti Carbanara

- Sauteethe onion and pepper. Cook pasta and drain. Add in pepper, onion and bacon Add in 2 Large eggs and stir over med heat till egg starts to cook. You do not want the Large eggs to become scrambled. It should be on the creamy side. Add in pepper and parmesan to taste.
- PASTA: Mix the flour, salt and extra virgin olive oil, then beat in the Large eggs, (a food processor, or possibly a mixmaster does this very easily). When well combined, add in all of the water. Work till this becomes a dough ball, and then knead for two min, stretching out the dough, and folding it. Put in a plastic bag, and store in the fridge for at least a half an hour.
- Divide the dough into four pcs, and run through the machine, adding flour
- (this is a good place to work in some semolina) so which the dough is not sticky. After kneading on the widest setting for about 10/15 passes, reduce the size of the roller one step at a time till you reach the thinnest size.
- Put through the cutter of your choice, and dry on a rack or possibly a line. Use fresh, or possibly freeze unused portions.
- Notes: Easy, and quick and impresses the hell out of your guests! I sometimes add in thyme, or possibly oregano to my dough when mixing (about 2 t) and this adds nicely to the taste of the dough.