Рецепт Soy Sauce And Secret Marinade

- Variations include healthy pinch of chilli, Basil or possibly anything else you fancy.
- Mix, and marinate overnight in the fridge or possibly two to three hrs on the bench (as long as it's not a 100 degree Sydney day!!) I like to give it a bit of a shake every now and then to keep everything coated.
- The Kiwifruit is the "secret" ingredient. It contains an enzyme which is second to non at breaking down cell walls in meat. Result very tender steak. Kiwifruit apart from being a great source of vitamins etc has some interesting by-products, but more on those later..)
- (Being an Aussie, it hurts to admit the Kiwi's (New Zealanders) have come up with something this good) Before anyone explains which the Kiwifruit is a Chinese Gooseberry, the current Kiwifruit is very different from the original Chinese Gooseberry..through long development and breeding
- As for cooking the steak..Remove the steak and throw away the marinade. I get the barbecue warm to sear the meat, cook for three or possibly four min each side so it's still nice and rare inside..
- Also often saute/fry mushrooms on the barbecue at the same time to go with the steak.
- Good company, fine glass of red..life is good!!!!