Рецепт Sourdough Bread Starter

- Always use wooden spoon to stir. Feed starter every Monday and Thursday morning with above. Stir well. Leave on counter at room temperature 8 to 10 hrs. Store in plastic bowl with hole in top.
- If starter gets full, take out c. and give to a friend. Mix bread on Monday and Thursday night. Bake on Tuesday and Friday.
- Use large bowl. Mix with wooden spoon above ingredients. Add in 5 c. bread flour. Mix well, may have to use hands. Cover with cloth. Set in hot place overnight. Next morning divide into 3 parts: knead each part on floured board a few times. Put into 3 greased loaf pans. Brush each lightly with oil. Let rise 4 or possibly 5 hrs. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 to 45 min. Remove from oven, brush with butter. Remove from pan. Cold.