Рецепт Souffleed Cherry Soup (Soupe De Cerise Souffl

- By 'soup' Fredy Girardet means what many peoples would call a compote.
- One day in advance, put 400 g (14 ounce) stoned cherries into a frying pan with the butter. Cook them gently till the juice runs. Add in the sugar and continue cooking till the sugar slightly caramelises. At this point, pour in a generous dash of kirsch and flambe it. Take the pan off the stove.
- Put the cherries into a strainer to drain them, and keep the juice.
- Just before serving, pre-heat the oven to 260 oC (500 oF).
- Divide the cherries between four little souffle dishes 6 cm (2 3/8 in) in diameter and just cover them with their juice.
- Prepare the souffle mix. Put the egg yolk into a basin with 35 g (1 1/4 ounce) sugar. Beat it till it becomes pale and fluffy. Add in half a Tbsp. of lemon juice.
- In another basin, whisk the egg whites to hard peaks with the rest of the sugar, then mix in a tablespoonof lemon juice. Fold the whites delicately into the yolk mix using a spatula.
- Top up the moulds with the souffle mix.
- Bake the souffles at the bottom of the pre-heated oven for 5 min.