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Рецепт Skillet Chicken with Peppers; mouse in the house
by Katie Zeller

I made this easy skillet dinner with celeriac. I put celery in the recipe as most people are more likely to have it on hand or to buy it than celeriac.

That’s a shame, really…. Celeriac is a wonderful vegetable and works great with other root vegetables in soups and stews.

It’s also a traditional French salad, julienned and mixed with remoulade.

You can cook it and mash it along with potatoes for a more interesting holiday side dish or slice it thinly and make a Potato Celeriac Gratin.

There are only two serious drawbacks to celeriac: it’s knobby and ugly (deal with it!) and it turns gray when peeled, like potatoes.

Well, and it’s usually big…. Too big for use in one meal for those of us cooking for two. I cut off what I want and wrap the remainder tightly in cling film. I may have to trim a bit the next night if it turns gray….

I peel the section I’m using, and keep it in a bowl of water until needed.

Give it a try!

Skillet Chicken with Peppers

Total time: 30 minutes



Heat oil in large non-stick skillet over medium heat.

Add the pepper, onion, celery, and sauté for 5 minutes.

Add spices, garlic, mushrooms and sauté another 5 minutes.

Push vegetables to the sides of pan and add chicken. Sauté until chicken starts to brown.

Add tomatoes, their juices, chicken stock, tomato paste and stir to combine.

Cover, reduce heat and let simmer 10 minutes, until chicken is done.

Uncover and cook a few minutes longer to thicken pan sauce.

Serve with rice, quinoa or buttered potatoes.

This is a Garlic Keeper. It has holes on both sides to let the air circulate, keeping the garlic fresh.

It is not, and I repeat, it is not a Mouse House.

It may look like the perfect Mouse House but it is not a Mouse House.

It is a Garlic Keeper where the human resident of the big house keeps her garlic….

Not her mouse.

Have I made myself clear?

We have been invaded by more mice than usual this fall. Apparently we’re not the only ones. During class the other day everyone of us living in the middle of nowhere agreed that there were many, many more mice this year.

And they are arrogant mice.

I was sitting at my desk the other day. One came out from under the fridge, looked at me, said ‘Bonjour’ (It’s a French mouse) and went on about his business without so much as a second glance.

I stood up.

He looked rather disgruntled and meandered back under the fridge.

I suggested to mon mari that he might want to set a trap.

He did, baiting it with peanut butter as that seems to be the preferred treat.

An hour or so later, mon mari went into the kitchen for a wee snack – with peanut butter.

A few minutes later I watched the mouse bypass the trap with the peanut butter and run up on the counter to lick the peanut butter off of the knife.

Later that evening I was making dinner…. As I so often do.

I went to the garlic keeper, where I keep my garlic and where I have been keeping my garlic for the better part of 25 years.

I lifted the lid and there, sitting on my garlic, was a mouse.

He looked almost as startled to see me as I’m sure I looked at seeing him.

I may have uttered a quiet shriek…..

I replaced the lid.

Since he was contained, well, except for the holes, I decided that it was a good time to relocate him.

I didn’t really want him nibbling my fingers as I escorted him from the premises so I grabbed my oven mits.

I picked jar up, covering the holes and we went for a nice walk in the country. When I judged us a suitable distance from the house (I’m sure I was wrong) I moved one hand and he leapt out of a hole and ran into the weeds.

I’m sure he’ll be back.

Last update on November 4, 2015
