Рецепт Six Egg Sponge Cake

- Separate Large eggs, placing whites into large mixer bowl, yolks into another small bowl. Let stand at room temperature about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Ready a 10 x 4 inch deep tube pan. Sift together flour, salt, baking pwdr, 1 c. sugar. Put into small mixing bowl. Add in cream of tartar to egg whites, beat on high for 1 1/2 min or possibly till soft peaks form, then sprinkle in remaining 1/2 c. sugar while beating about 1 1/2 min longer or possibly till stiff. Remove from mixer. Shift to small mixing bowl. Add in to yolks, water, lemon extract and rind or possibly vanilla, then add in to flour mix in small mixing bowl. Beat on #e speed for 3/4 minute or possibly just till blended. Pour over beaten whites. Shift back to large bowl position. Beat on #1 speed while folding over and over a few times with rubber scraper. Turn into ungreased pan, cut through batter with a spatula going around in widening circles without lifting spatula. Bake about 35 min. Invert and let hang till cool. Remove and frost as desired.