Рецепт Secretly Healthy Cherry-Peach Smoothies
We’ve tried eggplant, pineapple, spicy foods (which, side note, I think I might be a Pancheros convert. You can add queso to your burrito…!) and a seriously long walk, yet nothin’. No baby! It’s fine, I’ve come to terms with it. Nobody stayed pregnant forever so until that special day comes, we wait…
And sip luxurious, Secretly Healthy Cherry-Peach Smoothies!
So I went a little crazy at the grocery store last weekend, buying enough produce to feed a family of 10 for at least a week. I just can’t help myself around this time of year when fresh fruits and veggies are so inexpensive and abundant they’re practically giving ‘em away.
That being said, Ben and I are now in a race against the clock to polish off a fridge and counter top full of of raspberries, sweet corn, asparagus, zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, pineapple, peaches, plums, and cherries. No seriously. These use or lose items all need to be eaten (or frozen, I suppose) before we leave for the 3-4 day hospital stay that’s looming in our very near future.
Tonight we’re having a clean out the fridge night where many of the aforementioned ingredients are destined to sit atop a bed of lettuce after a date with my chef’s knife, and for breakfast I’ve been enjoying these Secretly Healthy Cherry-Peach Smoothies which combine fresh cherries, peaches, and Greek yogurt (’cause Lord knows I still have enough yogurt!) with a secret healthy ingredient – baby spinach!
If you’ve ever had my Top Secret Diet Weapon Smoothie then you can attest to the fact that you truly can’t taste baby spinach when it’s blended into smoothies with a few sweet ingredients, which is great because spinach is fabulous low-cal, fat-free way to add a ton of essential vitamins and minerals to your diet.
If the kermit-color freaks you out though, this smoothie is for you. While the summery-sweet flavor of cherries and peaches mask any subtle spinach flavor, the deep crimson color of the cherries also nixes any and all shades of bright green that the healthy addition would otherwise bring to the table. PLUS did you know that cherries are full of antioxidants and help reduce swelling associated with arthritis? My knuckles, which feel like those of someone twice my age from pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel (I know) are seriously pleased. Secretly healthy smoothies, for the win!
Gosh I’m chatty. Maybe this is the burst of energy I’ve been hearing about before the onset of labor?!
Anywho, the recipe is simple, as all good smoothies should be.
Start by scooping 6oz Black Cherry or Peach Greek Yogurt into a blender which provides a rich creaminess and protein, aka staying power, to the smoothie.
Next add 1 cup pitted cherries – fresh or frozen – just make sure they’re sweet not sour cherries.
Like I said I went absolutely bonkers for produce this weekend, and especially for cherries. Not only did I buy a pallet from Costco but I also felt the need to buy a giant bag from the regular grocery store when I saw their cherries were on sale for $1.98/lb. Madness, I tell you!
Next add 1 sliced peach, or 1 cup frozen peach slices. The peaches are so sweet this time of year that I opted for fresh. Yum!
Finally add 1 – 2 cups baby spinach on top – fresh or frozen. If you’ve never tried adding spinach to your smoothies, I’d start at 1 cup and work your way up just in case you think you can taste it (which I promise you won’t.)
A word on frozen spinach – I have never used pre-frozen spinach from the carton in my smoothies. I’m sure it’s fine, but I prefer to freeze baby spinach myself in a freezer bag and just use that. It’s easier to pull out a cup or two instead of having to hack off a portion of the frozen cube.
I like to stock up when the store is having a 2/$4 or 2/$3 sale and freeze a few bags for easy smoothie additions when I need ‘em.
Finally add 1/4 cup milk – any kind will do. If you used frozen cherries and/or peaches you may need a touch more to get the smoothie goin’.
Place a lid on top of the blender and let ‘er rip!
Sweet, decadent, and seriously (shh – secretly!) healthy!
Cherry-Peach Smoothies
Serves 1
- 6oz Black Cherry or Peach Chobani Greek Yogurt
- 1 cup pitted fresh or frozen sweet cherries
- 1 fresh peach, sliced OR 1 cup frozen peach slices
- 1 – 2 cups fresh or flash-frozen baby spinach (see note below)
- 1/4 – 1/2 cup milk (I used unsweetened vanilla almond breeze)
Combine yogurt, cherries, and peach slices in a blender then add 1 – 2 cups baby spinach (this will depend on your preference. I personally cannot taste baby spinach in smoothies, but if you are just starting out I’d add just 1 cup.) Add 1/4 cup milk then blend until very smooth, adding up to an additional 1/4 cup milk if necessary to blend all ingredients.
NOTE: To freeze baby spinach yourself, transfer fresh baby spinach to a freezer bag and then freeze.
Because I think cherries are such a special treat, as they have such a short season each year, this smoothie tastes especially decadent to me. Could be eaten as a breakfast, OR a healthier dessert option. Totally your call. Either way, enjoy!
Oh, also, life tip #4,637: Do not leave a blender full of Secretly Healthy Cherry-Peach Smoothies perched precariously on a shelf in your freezer while you clean up the kitchen. This will happen when you open the door, which will make your head nearly explode and take almost an hour to clean up. @#$%!