Nutritional information for the following ingredients is not included. Normally this is because the ingredient is unknown, the measurement is imprecise e.g. “to taste”, or the ingredient is optional).
For More Information secret to long life Visit Here :-
Get More Sleep
A siesta is standard in many parts of the world, and now there's scientific evidence that napping may help you live longer. Those who have a regular snooze are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than those who rarely steal a few winks. Researchers think naps might help your heart by keeping stress hormones down.
Japanese Diet
The people of Okinawa, Japan, once lived longer than any other group on Earth. The region's traditional diet is why. It's high in green and yellow vegetables and low in calories. Plus, some Okinawans made a habit of eating only 80% of the food on their plate. Younger generations have dropped the old ways and aren't living as long.
Marraige Can Extend Your Life
Married people tend to outlive their single friends. Researchers say it's due to the social and economic support that wedded bliss provides. While a current union offers the greatest benefit, people who are divorced or widowed have lower death rates than those who've never tied the knot.
Watch Your Weight
If you're overweight, slimming down can protect against diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions that take years off your life. Belly fat is bad for you, so focus on deflating that spare tire. Eat more fiber and exercise regularly to whittle your middle.
and always consult a registered dietician or your physician before embarking on any diet plan which relies on these numbers, and for any other questions.