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Рецепт Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day: Avocado Hummus
by Nicole Sherman

Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day: Avocado Hummus

I have been MIA from Secret Recipe Club for a few months now

because of school and the obvious time restraints that come with it. This

semester has been a nightmare but its summer so what better way to celebrate

than hopping back on the Secret

Recipe Club express.

I am so excited to be working in Asiya’s kitchen this month

over at Chocolate & Chilies. Working in her kitchen couldn’t have come at a

better time because she had a recipe that I have been wanting to try for a long

time… Avocado

Hummus. I love avocados and I love hummus… why not put them all

together? I realize now two weeks later after making this recipe that the original recipe was a secret recipe club recipe that Asiya had already made! Ugh! I apologize!! I honestly didn't realize it!!

Hummus is one of those things I can eat until I pop! Not only

is it good for you but it’s great on baby carrots… my personal favorite way to

eat hummus. I needed something to take to a pot-luck picnic a few weekends ago

and I knew this recipe would be perfect. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like

some sort of hummus and although I know not everyone likes avocado my thought

was… more for me! ;-)

Not only was it a fantastic weekend for a picnic but it was

a fantastic event for hummus. All of the food ended up being finger food, like

mini sandwiches, cheese, wine, dips, chips and so on. The hummus fit in

perfectly! You could say it was a huge hit because there wasn’t a drop left! Bummer!

So how do you remedy an empty bowl of Avocado Hummus? You make

MORE!! … And so I did!

I love this recipe! I have already made it several times

because it’s a great snack to have on hand and it’s much better than most

snacks I would normally choose. I love the health aspect, the flavor, of course

the color, and I love that it doesn’t turn funky in the refrigerator overnight

like just a plain avocado would do.

This is a great way to use up left over avocado to prevent it

from getting nasty. There is enough lemon in this recipe to keep the colors

nice and fresh that gets bonus points with me!

Thank you Asiya for allowing Colie’s Kitchen to take over

your kitchen this month!! It was truly a pleasure to work with Chocolate &



Combine all the ingredients in a food processor except taco


Pulse until the hummus starts coming together.

As needed add more chickpea

can juice until you have the right consistency that you are looking for.


covered at least 2 hours so that the flavors can come together.

Top with taco

seasoning for a garnish

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