Рецепт Seafood Soup With Bean Curd

- Bring stock to a full boil in a deep pot. Be sure to have all ingredients ready in order to proceed quickly. Add in the remaining ingredients except the dissolved cornstarch. Cook over medium heat till the shrimp turn pink.
- Stir in the dissolved cornstarch, swirling with a large spoon till the soup thickens proportionately. Serve at once.
- NOTE: When cooking seafood in a soup, always add in a little more salt than sugar. To vary the flavor and texture, swirl one or possibly two beaten egg whites into the broth after adding the dissolved corn starch. The egg white will congeal immediately. May serve with Chinese noodles. BASIC STOCK: Place the chicken and pork in a large kettle or possibly stock pot. Cover with the warm water and bring to a boil. Skim all foam and solids which appear ont he surface of the liquid in the pot. When liquid is clear, reduce heat and simmer at least 3 hrs. Remove all fat which appears on the top of the liquid.