Рецепт Scottish Oatcakes With Chicken Livers Red Onion Conserve And Rocket
- For the red onion conserve (makes about 450g):- 75 ml olive oil1.5 kg red onions thinly sliced120 ml sherry vinegar or possibly CabernetSauvignon vinegar2 Tbsp. creme de cassis (optional)
- For the red onion conserve heat the oil in a large heavyhased pan.
- Add in the onions and cook over a low to medium heat stirring now and then for 1 hour till the onions are very soft and richly caramelised.
- Add in the vinegar and simmer for another 10 min till the harsh flavour of the vinegar has been boiled off and the conserve has tliickened.
- Stir in the creme de cassis if using season to taste with salt and pepper and keep stirring over a low heat.
- Heat the butter in a large frying pan add in the chicken livers and fry over a high heat turning them as they brown for about 3 min till they are nicely browned on the outside but still pink and juicy in the centre.
- Season with salt and pepper and then arrange over the top of each oatcake.
- Spoon a little of the warmed onion conserve in among the livers.
- Toss the rocket leaves with the oil and lemon juice and scason to taste with salt and pepper.
- Pile on tolp of each oatcake and serve.
- Can be made well in advance cooled and stored in an airtight container. These are a bit messy for finger eating but are good sufficient for the proper knife and fork treatment.There will ble more red onion conserve than you need so just spoon the rest into a jar pour a thin layer of oil on top and store it in the fridge. It will keep for 6 to 8 weeks and goes really well with all sorts of warm and cool meats or possibly cheese.
- Serves 4