Рецепт Scalloped Corn and Broccoli
I always disliked creamed corn. My father loved it; therefore mom served often, or several times a month at least. My hubby, he loathes cream corn. I never served it or even bought it until I ran across a really interesting corn bread recipe, calling for the despised corn. That corn bread never materialized... You know about hubby and that diet, so the can sat in the pantry. While browsing one of those old Oxmoore House cookbooks on Saturday, "For the Love of Cooking", I came across Elegant Scalloped Corn. This was an opportunity to use that can of corn that only Red would enjoy. How is he my kid, he likes creamed corn, huh? I said to myself, if I add my own twist to it, it won't taste like cream corn. Besides I need to use that can. Be brave, try it! Yep, I do talk to myself and happy to report that I have not made the answering myself stage as of yet!
- Elegant Scalloped Corn and Broccoli
- 1 17 oz can cream style corn
- 1 cup cracker crumbs (about 15 saltines, crushed)
- 1/2 cup celery
- 1/4 cup diced onion
- 3/4 cup pasteurized process American cheese, cut in small pieces (Velveeta cheese w/ peppers)
- 1 cup frozen broccoli, thawed
- 1 tsp salt (1/2 tsp)
- 2 eggs, well beaten
- 2 Tbsp melted butter or margarine
- 1 cup milk
- Parsley
- Paprika
Combine corn, cracker crumbs, celery, onion, broccoli, salt, eggs, melted butter, and milk. Mix well. Pour into greased 2 quart casserole and bake at 350 for 50 minutes. Garnish with parsley; sprinkle paprika on top. Yield 8 servings
I forgot to grease the casserole. Don't think it mattered much except for the edges being a bit too brown. I thought it was pretty good and a nice change but can't quite figure out where the elegant comes in. A good home-style and economical side dish, yes. Elegant, what do you think?
While I could taste the sweetness of creamed corn, the overall flavor was a bit different. The broccoli gave it some flavor, texture, and color while the hot peppers in the cheese added a bit of zing. Now Hubby, his first words were, does this have cream corn in it? Um, yes. Did I tell you he loathes creamed corn? No fooling him when it comes to corn I guess. He ate it though, sweet guy that he is :)
Since this is my first time preparing scalloped corn, or anything that called for creamed corn for that matter, I'm going to enter this in the side dish showdown. ♥